Christian Formation for Adults

Whether in Sunday school, small groups, or even in individual study, we strive to think critically about our faith—by examining the Scriptures, delving into book studies, and sharing our observations with one another.
Members take an active role in shaping class content and leading groups, participating in challenging discussion, scriptural engagement, and, ultimately, fellowship.

Explorers Forum
Explorers enjoy discussions on a wide-ranging of topics including current events, political, social, and theological issues. Join us for coffee and fellowship before or after in the Parlor/Lounge. Everyone is invited to participate as we laugh, learn, and grow together.
See the schedule below. Archive recordings of the presentations and discussions from fall 2020 through 2022 can be found here: archives.
Explorers Forum
Explorers Forum returns on September 15, 2024. Hope to see you then!
September 22 -- William Woelki, a graduate student at the University of Delaware, will talk about the needs of youth in foster care.
September 29 -- Meet Jack Warren Burnam, Interim Minister of Music. This is an opportunity to learn more about Jack and for Jack to meet those of us who do not sing in the choir. Join us!
October 6 – Dr. Alan Fox, a professor of comparative philosophy and religion at the University of Delaware, will speak about the conflict in Israel and Gaza.
October 13 – Aging As Part of the Spiritual Journey
This is the first session of a 6 week series on Aging & The Spiritual Journey. We will explore the question of how aging fits into and/or affects our spiritual journeys from a number of different perspectives. Session 1 will be an overview that touches upon many aspects of aging.
October 20 -- Physical Aging
Dr. Gaye Kahigian, RN, Ph.D. will speak about the physical challenges of aging and provide resources.
October 27 --! Cognitive & Emotional Changes and Caregiving
Gene Thompson will lead this interactive session.
November 3 -- Making Decisions About Where to Live
A panel of members and friends of First and Central will share their decision making processes and experiences regarding living arrangements.
November 10 -- Series on Aging and Your Spiritual Journey
Financial concerns (issues, agencies that provide support, legal documents - medical powers of attorney).
November 17 -- End of Life Care Decisions
What matters most to you? Join us for an interactive session in which we explore how to think and talk about what we want for ourselves and our loved ones.
November 24 -- Stories of Gratitude: Developing a mindset of abundance
Please bring an item or photo which reminds you of something or someone you are truly grateful for. Be prepared to tell your story of what or whom you are grateful for and why.
It’s a spiritual practice – going to work every day in the pursuit of justice, with our young people and the institutions that support them. So when I am feeling especially challenged and filled with doubt, I remember why it’s called a practice – and I practice on.

Tuesday Bible Study
Meet via Zoom, with your beverage of choice in hand! Come and enjoy warm fellowship, lively discussion, and prayerful insights into the Scriptures that will be part of the coming Sunday service. Let by the pastor and/or elder Noble Thompson. Everyone is invited.
Tuesday mornings at 8:30-9:15 am

Walk the Labyrinth
Our mission is to make the labyrinth available to all who are interested in learning from it, to provide a place for reflection and peace, and to nurture a community that will share in the experience. We hope to resume this meditative practice soon, as the pandemic allows.
To learn more and see the schedule, please visit our labyrinth page.