Each Sunday morning is structured with songs, storytelling, and activities reinforcing Scripture's greatest lesson: God loves us.
Nursery (Infants-age 4):
The nursery is open every Sunday morning from 9:15 am until 12:30 pm for our wee ones and is staffed with experienced childcare professionals. Accommodations include cribs and changing tables, rocking chairs, and age-appropriate games. The nursery is also open during special worship services throughout the year.
Children's Sunday School: Growing to Meet the Challenges (K-5th Grade):
Each week, kids gather at 9:40 am for a special music time featuring energetic praise songs accompanied by triangles, drums, and tambourines. The children learn familiar hymns and songs used in worship, as well as sung responses to prayer. After music, children either return to the nursery or remain in the lower level classroom for hands-on learning through engaging curricula designed to introduce scripture and the building blocks of faith.
Confirmation Class (Middle and High School):
Classes held as needed.
This class gathers for breakfast (provided by the church) at 9:40 am. During the 35 weeks of confirmation training, we help our youth assimilate all that they have learned over their years in church and Sunday school, enabling them to become fully fledged members of the congregation. Confirmation class pairs each student with a mentor who helps to guide the youth through an exploration of worship, prayer, and mission; the major doctrines of the faith; and the history and government of the Presbyterian church. Confirmation includes private reflection and writing, as well as service to the community and the development of a personal statement of faith.
Confirmation class is customarily undertaken during the eighth grade year, though it is open to high school students as well. At F&C, confirmation is typically offered as a series of Sunday workshops during the Sunday School hour. If you or your child is interested in enrolling in confirmation this year, please contact Doug Gerdts, doug@firstandcentral .org.

Christian Formation for Children

We're dedicated to providing a nurturing, faith-based and justice-based environment for our little ones as they grow up and learn about God.
Sunday Morning
Summer schedule has begun. During the summer, we take a sabbath from formal Christian Education.
When the church re-opens following the COVID-19 pandemic, we will carefully evaluate the safety of our children and our staff with regards to the nursery.