
Worship, Learn, Enjoy!
There are many ways to connect with one another outside of worship or study. Deepen your relationship with God and with the congregation by attending one of our small groups or special events.
Watch a movie during our Summer Movie Series, check out one of our Deacon lunches after worship, or celebrate congregational life at the theater or a Blue Rocks game!
Looking for Bible studies or theological education? Learn more about Christian Formation for Adults.

Women’s Spirituality Group
Not your average girls night! We are an intergenerational group who know how to have fun and seek the many ways God is working in our lives.
​Meetings are on the fourth Saturday of the month, but are on summer hiatus for 2021. Use our Contact page to request an invitation.

Prayer Shawl Ministry
Do you already know how to knit? Knit as a spritual discipline and contribute to our prayer shawls. These shawls are lovingly taken to people in the hospital or are given to high school graduates, to the newly ordained, or a host of others who we want to wrap in our love. This group does not meet regularly, rather, the group knits on their own time.
Contact the church office to message: Joyce Cloud

Fellowship & Cookies
Fellowship & Cookies (the other “F&C”) takes place immediately following the service. You are encouraged to come to the front of the sanctuary for a cookie, a cup of coffee and conversation with others in the church.
We are grateful that, as of March 27, we are resuming this time of gathering. Please respect others' wishes with respect to main-taining social distancing.

Men's Spirituality Group
The men enjoy a thought provoking movie and then discuss theological themes. Enjoy a light supper, a good movie, and great guys!
Meetings currently being held online, on the fourth Monday of the month. Use our Contact page to request an invitation.

Connect & Reflect
Arising from a need to get together, even virtually, during the pandemic, these prayer meetings have evolved into a time of scripture, sharing and yes, prayers for each other and for our world. We gather on Zoom at 5:15 on Wednesday afternoons for about 40 minutes together, making "church" wherever we are..

Seasonal Activities
Throughout the year, we join together for activities, traditions, and series that fit the season. What would you like to watch next?
Check back for other seasonal favorites like Blessing of the Backpacks, the Gingerbread House holiday gathering, our Easter pancake breakfast, and more!