Funerals & Memorial

Helpful Links
What do Presbyterians believe about death?
Area Grief Support Groups
Planning and Information
A Guide to Planning.
This PDF will help you as you begin to plan a memorial service or funeral.
Please complete a building use form to aid us in scheduling the event

A Witness to the Resurrection
Our pastor and congregation know how difficult grief can be, and we want you to know we are here for you in your time of loss and need.
If you would like your loved one's memorial or funeral service to be held in our sanctuary or chapel, please contact the church office at 302-654-5371.
​​Waiting for Bread… and for God’s Future
We are strange mixtures of loss and hope.
As we are able, we submit our losses to you.
We know about sickness and dying,
about death and mortality,
about failure and disappointment.
And now for a moment we do our failing
and our dying in your presence,
You who attend to us in loss.
As we are able, we submit our hopes to you.
We know about self-focused fantasy and notions of control.
But we also know that our futures are out beyond us,
held in your good hand.
Our hopes are filled with promises of well-being, justice, and mercy.
Move us this day beyond our fears and anxieties
into your land of goodness.
We wait for your coming, we pray for your kingdom.
In the meantime, give us bread for this day.
~ Walter Brueggemann
From: Prayers for a Privileged People by Walter Bruggemann