We grieve with our brothers and sisters for those who have died at the hands of systemic racism. At this time of such conflict and confrontation, we are reminded that Christ has given us the ministry of reconciliation. As we labor to end racial and social injustice, we invite you to consider our First Friday Walks for Justice and Peace (see below).
First Friday Walks for Justice and Peace
This program is on hiatus, as we seek better and bigger ways to serve the needs of the community.
Before setting off on our Walk for Justice and Peace on June 19, 2020 (see slide show below), Senator Chris Coons admonished us to "walk, and keep walking." And so First & Central invites you to walk with us on the first Friday of each month. The walks will begin with remarks at First & Central (Market Street) at 5:30 p.m., rain or shine, and then make the 7-block walk to SsAM at 7th and Shipley. You may park at either church location.
We walk silently as a time for prayer and reflection, concluding with a spoken prayer. You may carry signs in keeping with the spirit of Justice, Peace, and Reconciliation. Please follow all appropriate safety protocols to prevent transmission of COVID-19, as directed.
See news coverage of our Juneteenth walk (with video) here.

Gathering at 1101 N Market

Ending in silence at SsAM